Discharge Into Brazos River

PPOA Resident Josh Rosenfeld took this photograph of the friendly neighborhood oil & gas operator discharging fluids into the Brazos River on October 22, 2007. Besides the discharge, notice the quality and appearance of the “noise screens” that PPOA convinced the operator to install. This site is just a few hundred feet east of the bridge, directly behind Josh’s home. There are more of these along the Brazos now, recently installed. Imagine the owners along the river that have to look at these! Oh well.....

Josh has reported this discharge to the Brazos River Authority, the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality, the Hood County News and PPOA Board President Gary Guffey. TCEQ plans to investigate the discharge and involve the Texas Railroad Commission. No official details as to the type of fluids being discharged are available, however, Gary Guffey says he has been told this is a “bypass” system which returns unneeded water taken from the river.

Besides being a career oil & gas industry veteran geologist, Josh is also Co-Chairman of the Brazos River Conservation Coalition, a group concerned with conservation issues and the Brazos River. The group has a we site at www.brcchood.org which may be accessed by clicking the address. Pecan Plantation is very fortunate to have someone of Josh’s background concerned about Brazos River conservation issues!

Shown below is a view from the River and an aerial view of the sediment plume associated with the fluid discharge into the Brazos River.


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