The so called “Pecan Good Governance Association”, or PGGA, has attacked PPOA Board Members Cissy Wilson, Tom Roman and Robo Robinius, for allegedly
violating their Oath of Office by endorsing Board Candidates.
CLICK HERE to view the “Oath of Office”
CLICK HERE to view Board Member’s Wilson, Roman and Robinius
endorsement of Board Candidates.
CLICK HERE to view PGGA’s attack on Wilson, Roman and Robinius.
Those of you that have been here several years know that Pecan has had a long history of Board members not only soliciting their friends to run for the
Board but informally endorsing them through the “good old boy system!”. As a matter of fact, the tightly controlled and Board “approved” Nominating Committee has been referred to by many for years as “the Cloning
Committee!” It would appear that the PGGA has forgotten their own past pattern of behavior in trying to control PPOA!
In one instance, that involved their use of member owned Channel 28, they even went so far as to advertize a coffee at the home of Board Member (and
now PGGA Member) Lloyd Jones. You may view photos actually taken of the commercials airing on television, at the expense of all PPOA members!
CLICK HERE to view the Channel 28 incident.
After careful review, PPCMA is of the opinion that there is no Bylaw, policy, rule, regulation, etc., including the Oath of Office itself, that would
preclude the Board Members from endorsing any candidate, provided they do so at their own expense, as was the case in question. That does not imply any bias toward members in the conduct of Board business.
Politicians endorse other politicians all the time! This is nothing more than a PGGA attempt to undermine and discredit those members of the PPOA Board
that are trying to bring about long overdue change.
We believe the PPOA membership will see this attack by the so called “PGGA” for what it really is, gutter politics!